How to Host a Poker Night During Quarantine
In Denmark, a story just broke about a group of friends who were all fined for attending their weekly poker night. The police were called and found that the poker night was in violation of the danish ‘Law of Assembly’, which restricts more than a few people to gather in one location during these times of lockdown.
This story is just one of many crazy ones related to the current Corona quarantines, but it raises a valid question: How to host a poker night during quarantine?
Poker is a Hazard
Poker is everyone’s favorite game – but it’s also a really effective way of spreading a virus between your friends.
You usually sit around a table, in close proximity, and maybe share snacks or drinks.
On top of that, you all take turns touching both cards and chips before putting them into a pile and exchanging them among you.
It’s a virus frenzy, and not ideal in times like these.
So, without further adieu, here are some tips on how to host a quarantine-friendly poker night.

Practice good hand hygiene
We use our hands for pretty much anything, and if you come in contact with the virus it will most likely be through your hands. The virus can’t enter your body directly from your hands, but you might transfer it to your eyes, mouth or nose if you touch your face – something the average human does many times an hour.
Therefore, the best way to prevent such a spread would be to keep good hand hygiene. Wash your hands before playing, making sure you don’t bring any outside virus to the table. Ideally, you should wash your hands frequently and every time you’ve touched your face. An alcoholic hand sanitizer will also do.
Keep it small and keep your distance
This is probably the most effective way of stopping the spread.
There’s no way around it – crowds are a bad idea during a quarantine. For this reason, it’s probably best to scale back and keep your poker night small in numbers. In general, you wanna avoid big groups.
The virus can’t jump between you if you keep the recommended distance of 6 feet. This is not ideal, of course, but it goes a long way to prevent the spread.
Get Some Fresh Air
Open a window and let in some fresh air. The Corona virus is airborne and can hang in the room after someone sneezes or coughs. So keeping the air in circulation is a great idea.
In an ideal world, you would have your poker night outside – something we of course realize might be hard with cards and chips everywhere.
EasyPoker will do all this for you
Lucky for you, there’s a free app on the market that takes care of all this, and provides a realistic and completely Corona-safe, face to face poker night. EasyPoker – the digital poker set that fits right into your pocket.
The app lets you create a game with a single tap on your phone, and your friends just enter the four digit game code to join your table.
It’s that easy – and EasyPoker provides both cards and chips.
The app lets you create a game with a single tap on your phone, and your friends just enter the four digit game code to join your table.
It’s that easy – and EasyPoker provides both cards and chips.
You each use your own phone to play, and so EasyPoker eliminates the need for physical cards and chips, which removes the risk of transmitting the virus from your hands. A pretty big win.
Not having to exchange physical cards and chips means you can easily keep your 6 feet distance. The app also has a voice chat feature, allowing you to talk with each other while playing, no matter the distance between you.

You don’t even need a table to play anymore – meaning, for the first time, you can have your poker night anytime, anywhere. This means you can play outside, with plenty of air circulation, without having cards and chips fly everywhere.
This really is a new way to play poker – an easier way.
So stay safe everyone!
And remember that washing your hands is always a good idea – not only in times of virus and crisis. And always follow the corona quarantine guidelines from WHO.
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